
 We hope you enjoy our extensive blog on learning differences, college readiness and college admissions.  

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7 Secrets to Seeking Learning Disability Services in College

7 Secrets to Seeking Learning Disability Services in College

Disability services work very differently in college than they do in high school—one of the key differences being that students, not staff or parents, are responsible for self-advocating for their needs. Before you head off to college, here are the key things to know...

What Questions Should I Ask the Student Disabilities Office?

What Questions Should I Ask the Student Disabilities Office?

If you’ll be seeking accommodations or support services for a disability or learning differences in college, it pays to research in advance what will be available at each school on your list.  Here are some key questions to ask disability staff if you are considering...

Autism and the Transition to College

Autism and the Transition to College

Making the transition to college is a big step for most students. For individuals on the autism spectrum, it can be even more daunting since college campuses and many traditions weren’t designed with these particular students in mind. The challenges for autistic...

Are You Ready for College?

Are You Ready for College?

You may be eager to go to college, but are you truly ready? If you’ve succeeded in high school courses, you might be justified in feeling capable of moving on to college-level work. But being college-capable is not the same as being college-ready. To earn your degree,...

TCC Honored with Award from IECA

TCC Honored with Award from IECA

Dr. Eric Endlich, Founder of Top College Consultants, was recently honored with a "Making a Difference Award" from the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA). In the live closing session at the Fall 2020 conference, IECA President Kristina Dooley said,...

Video: What LD Students Need to Succeed in College

Video: What LD Students Need to Succeed in College

Did you miss the Learning Disabilities Association of NJ virtual conference on Life and High School and Beyond? Here's the video recording of our presentation, What LD Students Need to Succeed in College, where I discuss college readiness, gap year options,...

Cigna Seminar on Autism and College

Cigna Seminar on Autism and College

  Did you miss our recent presentation for Cigna on autism and college? You can access the slides on the Cigna seminar page and listen to the audio recording here. We discuss college readiness, accommodations, support programs and much more! And don't miss our...

Video: College Transition for Students with Learning Differences

Video: College Transition for Students with Learning Differences

We are grateful to Open Door Education for sponsoring this webinar, College Transition for Students with Learning Differences. In this live presentation, we discussed college readiness, accommodations and supports. You can view the recording here. Password:7C%s=9zB ...

Well Done, Students!

Well Done, Students!

We are so excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for our students, thanks to their diligent efforts. Coming from both public and private schools worldwide, our students (many with disabilities) have recently been accepted to undergraduate and graduate programs...

Video: Transition to College Webinar – National Autism Academy

Video: Transition to College Webinar – National Autism Academy

Join the National Autism Academy and Top College Consultants to learn about college readiness, obtaining disability accommodations and finding the right level of supports after high school. And don't miss our CollegeXpress article on Autism and the Transition to...

Video: Colleges and Programs for Students with Learning Differences

Video: Colleges and Programs for Students with Learning Differences

For students with special needs such as ADHD, learning differences or autism, the transition from high school to college can be a challenge. This video covers the basics of college readiness, supports and accommodations, as well as some of the options for higher...