Well before starting to select a list of colleges, it’s important to assess whether a student is fully ready to be a college student. Students who continue to live at home and attend a vocational school or community college will have a less abrupt transition, though they may still be faced with greater demands than they experienced in high school.

Students who plan to move away for college, however, should have mastered as many of the following skills as possible:

Financial – Be able to use a debit and/or credit card. Know how to write a check. Track account balances to avoid overdraft charges and bounced checks. Have an idea about how much things cost. Know how to save money and be a smart shopper.

Emotional – Be able to cope with disappointment, frustration, homesickness and uncertainty. 

Social – Know how to meet people, make friends and get along with a roommate. Have the confidence to approach a professor to ask questions and acquire a mentor. Know when someone is not a good candidate for friendship.

Health – Be able to schedule and attend medical appointments independently (including filling out paperwork and paying copayments). 

Academic – Have a system for keeping track of assignments. Consistently meet deadlines. Know how to write a research paper and prepare for exams.

Daily Living – Be able to get up in the morning without assistance, select appropriate clothes, do laundry, maintain good personal hygiene and eat the right amount.

Landmark College has published A Guide to Assessing College Readiness. While designed for students with learning disabilities or ADHD, it can be a useful starting point for assessing the needs of autistic students as well. 

What if a student lacks some of the necessary college readiness skills?

There are a few options:

  • Take a gap year. Use the time wisely to learn and develop.
  • Stay at home and take classes online or at a local school (e.g., community college or vocational school) and transfer to a 4-year college later.
  • Attend a program to help build college readiness, such as Next Step, the College Internship Program, Dynamy, College Living Experience, AIM and others.

While a third of autistic students go to college, less than 20% of those who go straight to a four-year college successfully graduate on time. The majority of them receive disability accommodations in high school (e.g., extra time on tests) but do not disclose their diagnosis in college and, as a result, do not receive accommodations there. In high school, the school is expected to provide services and ensure the student’s progress; in college, it is up to the student to seek out services (if needed) and make a plan for success. (See our article about accommodations in college.)

The increased level of independence and amount of homework can be daunting for any college freshman, but for autistic students, it is sometimes insurmountable without help.

Many colleges now offer programs specifically designed to help spectrum students succeed; see our Autism in College page for an extensive list. Here are a few examples:

Bellevue College (WA)

Drexel University (PA)

Marshall University (WV)

Nova Southeastern University (FL)

Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)

Rutgers University (NJ)

Wright State University (OH)

TCC can help determine whether your child is ready for college, find pre-college programs, seek disability accommodations, manage the stress of the application process and find the best fit for your child. Dr. Endlich, TCC’s founder, is an experienced psychologist and autism dad who has led Asperger’s support groups, co-written a book on autistic adults and presented widely at conferences. Contact us today!

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