Neurodiversity in College
Students with learning differences graduating from high school have more educational options than ever before! We can help by assessing their college readiness, finding the best-fit programs and supports and helping teens complete their applications. Below you will find an extensive list of “neurodiversity-friendly colleges,” including:
- Autism support programs in 4-year colleges.
- Colleges designed exclusively for students with learning differences.
- Support programs for college students with learning differences. These academic/learning support programs often emphasize time management and study skills, and can help students with a variety of diagnoses (including autism, dyslexia and ADHD). However, some students on the spectrum benefit even more from autism support programs which also have social groups or social skills coaching.
- To see a list of non-degree certificate programs for students with intellectual/developmental disabilities, visit the Think College website.
For a quick shortcut in learning to use our database of neurodiversity-friendly colleges, watch this video now!
To see additional notes for a program (or a link to its web page), click on the green “+” sign on the left. Click on the “Show entries” drop-down menu at the upper left of the table to see more entries on the page at one time (we recommend selecting “100”). Contact us if you know of any programs to add to the list.
We are familiar with many additional resources not listed in this table, such as college readiness summer programs, gap year programs and companies providing mentoring, coaching, or executive functioning support (e.g., organization, planning, time management). Contact us to learn more about these resources. You may also enjoy our many articles, podcasts and videos such as:
- 7 Secrets to Seeking Learning Disabilities Services in College
- Are You Ready for College?
- College Readiness and Transition for Students on the Autism Spectrum
- Should You Disclose a Disability When Applying to College?
- 7 Things Students with Disabilities Should Do When Starting College
- What Questions Should I Ask the Disabilities Office?
College | City/Town | State | Program | Population served | Services | Program Fee | Notes | Link |
Adelphi University | Garden City | NY | Bridges to Adelphi | autism, LD, and similar profiles | Academic coaching, vocational coaching, peer mentoring, support and social groups | $8100/year | No clinical documentation required | |
Algonquin College | Ottawa | Ontario (Canada) | Transition Support Centre for Students with ASD | autism | Academic coaching, social events, workshops, mentoring, counseling | No fee | | |
Allegheny College | Meadville | PA | Life Coaching & Academic Support | autism or other learning differences | Weekly or biweekly meeting with coach for time management, self-advocacy, social skills and other areas. | No fee | | |
American International College | Springfield | MA | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | AIC also offers individual coaching with learning specialists ($1,035-$2,945/semester depending on service level) | |
American University | Washington | DC | Learning Services Program | Documented learning disability | First-year program – peer mentoring, weekly individual advising/counseling, weekly writing tutoring, pre-registration advising | $4,850/year | | |
Appalachian State University | Boone | NC | As-U-R | Executive function challenges | Weekly academic mentoring, drop in visits, seminars | No fee | | |
Arizona State University | Phoenix | AZ | Growth Achievement Transformation Enrichment – GATE | Educational Outreach and Student Services ( | autism | Peer mentoring, tutoring, staff success coaches, executive functioning training, and a Neurodiversity College Success course | $2,300/semester | Autism social club: . Peer mentoring program for engineering students: | |
Arkansas State University | Jonesboro | AR | HOWL | autism or ID | Tutoring, mentoring, social skills, life skills, career planning | $5,000/semester | Program for online students: EduCare | |
Atlantic Technological University | Donegal (and other campuses) | Ireland | ATU Autism Friendly | autism | University-wide initiative to be autism-friendly | No fee | | |
Auburn University | Auburn University | AL | SKILL | Learning differences, executive function challenges | Weekly academic coaching | $1,600/semester | | |
Aurora University | Aurora | IL | Pathways | autism | Dedicated residence hall, summer camp, orientation, peer mentors, career mentors, study tables, social opportunities | $3000/semester | | |
Austin Community College | Austin | TX | ACCess Autism | autism | Social group | No fee | | |
Austin Peay State University | Clarksville | TN | Full Spectrum Learning | autism | Tutoring and mentoring | $3500/semester | | |
Beacon College | Leesburg | FL | Center for Student Success | autism/LD/ADHD | Life coaching, academic mentoring, peer tutoring, learning specialists | No separate program fee; services are standard for all students. | Single rooms standard; summer program for HS students available | |
Bellevue College | Bellevue | WA | Neurodiversity Navigators | All neurodivergent students | Peer mentoring, career preparation, parent meetings | No fee | No formal diagnosis required | |
Berklee College of Music | Boston | MA | MIND Neurodiversity Program | Pre-orientation for quiet move in, one to one coaching for students, social events, study sessions, coaching for faculty and staff | No fee | | ||
Bethany College | Bethany | WV | PASS | ADHD, specific learning disabilities | Meetings with learning specialist, social coaching, social support groups | | ||
Boston University | Boston | MA | Academic Skills Advising | All disabilities | Academic (study skills) coaching | No fee | Documentation required | Academic Support | Educational Resource Center ( |
Bowling Green State University | Bowling Green | OH | FLY | ADHD, LD, executive function challenges | Weekly coaching, workshops, orientation, professional math tutors, testing center | $5,000/year | No formal diagnosis required | |
Bradley University | Peoria | IL | Moss Scholars | Any diagnosed learning difference | Weekly executive function coaching with focus on academics, mental health, social life and post-graduation transition | $3,500/semester to start, may decrease each semester as low as $1,000 depending on student's needs | | |
Bridgewater College | Bridgewater | VA | BASE | autism | Early move-in, personal tour, weekly mentor meetings, academic coaching, social club, social events | $1,000/semester | NOTE: As of fall 2024, this program has been temporarily put on hold; it may resume in fall 2025 depending on staffing. | |
California Baptist University | Riverside | CA | Peer Mentoring | autism | Peer mentors | No fee | | |
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo | CA | Empowering Autistic Scholars | autism | Workshop series, peer mentoring, social club; Empowering Autistic Scholars program has paid research asst positions, career and skills training | No fee | | |
California State University, Chico | Chico | CA | Academic Coaching Program | Learning differences | Coaching for self-advocacy, self-care and study skills | No fee | Also: Chico Autism Spectrum Empowerment group program, neurodiversity student club, neurodivergent book club, annual Neurodiversity & Disability Symposium | |
California State University, East Bay | Hayward | CA | College Link Program | autism | Study groups, workshops, social events/workshops, sensory room, classroom shadowing, coaching on academics and living skills | $4621-9089/semester depending on service level | | |
California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach | CA | LIFE Project | autism and similar profiles | Peer coaching, workshops, parent seminars | No fee | | |
Carleton College | Northfield | MN | PEERS, CAPS, First Year Transition Program | Students needing help with social and/or study skills | First-year transition program provides peer leader for social support/assistance; 16-session PEERS social skills program with additional social coaching; peer assistance with study skills; ADHD skills group; Autism Spectrum Success group | No fee | | |
Carroll University | Waukesha | WI | Pioneers with ASD | autism | In development | N/A | | |
Catholic University of America | Washington | DC | Forging Friendships | autism | One-semester social skills group | No fee | Disability office also offers priority registration, Smart Start 2-day pre-orientation and individual meetings with staff as needed. | Forging Friendships | Washington, D.C. | Disability Support Services – Disability Support Services – Student Affairs – Catholic University of America | CUA |
Centenary University | Hackettstown | NJ | Project ABLE | Learning or neurological differences | Weekly individual meetings, workshops, tutoring | The fee for the program is determined on an annual basis. | | |
Central Baptist College | Conway | AR | ASAP | autism | 1st year program: weekly group, invidual academic coaching, peer mentoring, orientation | $500/semester | Requires documented diagnosis | |
Chestnut Hill College | Philadelphia | PA | Neurodiversity College Program | autism or other neurodivergent profiles | Peer mentors, academic coaching, support groups, social events | $7500/year beginning fall 2023 (including summer program) | 6-week summer bridge and 2-year certificate program available as well | |
Christian Brothers University | Memphis | TN | STARS | autism, social anxiety | Peer mentors, social events, lounge | No fee | | |
Clark College | Vancouver | WA | Autism Spectrum Success Group | autism | 7-week social group | No fee | No documentation required | |
Clark University | Worcester | MA | Academic Coaching | Twice-weekly coaching for study skills, time management and organization | $1,000/semester | | ||
Clemson University | Clemson | SC | Spectrum Support Program | autism | Help with academics, social, and career skills | $3000/semester | Separate Clemson LIFE program for students with ID | |
College of DuPage | Glen Ellyn | IL | Autismerica | autism | Weekly social club | No fee | Center for Student Success also offers "Navigators" – | |
College of Southern Idaho | Twin Falls | ID | CSI Autism Support Program | autism | Academic coaching, social events, service coordination | No fee | | |
Colorado State University | Fort Collins | CO | Opportunities for Postsecondary Success | autism/LD/ADHD | Peer mentoring | $2000/semester | Student organization: Neurodiversity/LD Alliance | |
Concord University | Athens | WV | College Program for Students with ASD | autism | Academic, social, and independent living skills support | $4500/semester | | |
Cornell University | Ithaca | NY | Neurodiversity@Cornell | all neurodivergent students | Social groups and events, learning strategies coaching sessions | No fee | | |
County College of Morris | Randolph | NJ | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | Evidence-based; peer mentors are carefully supervised and trained. | |
CUNY | New York | NY | Project REACH | autism | Peer mentoring | No fee | | |
Curry College | Milton | MA | PAL | LD/ADHD | Learning strategies courses | $1825-3470/semester | Autistic students or those with mental health challenges may be better suited to the Social Achievement in Learning program (SAIL), which costs $4,500/semester – see Social, transitional and independent living skills support available, as well as substance-free space in the residence hall. | |
Daemen College | Amherst | NY | CATS | autism | Peer life skills coaching, vocational support | $2000/semester | Vocational rehab agency may provide some funding | |
Dakota State University | Madison | SD | STRONG | autism | Academic advising, life coaching, seminars | No fee | | |
Davis & Elkins College | Elkins | WV | Supported Learning Program | LD/ADHD/autism | Study skills class, help with time management/organizational skills, weekly tutoring/academic support, peer mentors | Fee-based | | |
Dean College | Franklin | MA | ARCH | LD/ADHD/autism | Individual coaching, career advising, group seminar | $3600/semester for first year, decreasing annually | Documented learning disability required; First-year Strive4Success program ($850): Engage Program provides academic coaching and support for social and independent living skills: | |
Defiance College | Defiance | OH | ASD Affinity Program | autism | Advising, mentoring, tutoring, social events | $1,500/semester | | |
De Montfort University | Leicester | UK | Disability Advice and Support Team | autism | Early orientation, weekly social events, mindfulness training, workshops, mentoring, study skills tutoring | No fee | | |
DePaul University | Chicago | IL | Learning Specialist Clinician Services | All disabilities | Help with executive functioning and self-advocacy skills | Fee-based | | |
Drexel University | Philadelphia | PA | CAN | autism | Mentoring, coaching, workshops, social events | $900-2,800/quarter; PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation will pay the fees for their clients; scholarships may be available | Summer transition program (Dragons Prep) and neurodiverse-friendly housing are available. Grad students can also access CAN. Neurodiversity club – Neurodragons – | |
Dublin City University | Dublin | Ireland | DCU Autism Friendly | autism | University-wide initiative to be autism-friendly | No fee | | |
Duke University | Durham | NC | Neurodiversity at Duke | Faculty, staff & students | Meeting space, college/career summit, presentations, blog | No fee | | |
East Carolina University | Greenville | NC | STEPP | Specific learning disability (e.g., dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia) | Comprehensive academic, social & life skills program; reduced course load, study hall, pre-orientation | No fee | | |
Eastern Florida State College | Cocoa | FL | Navigators to Success | autism | Four-week summer program for new students to help orient them to college and support in social, executive functioning and academic areas. | No fee | TRiO program is also available for students with disabilities: | |
Eastern Illinois University | Charleston | IL | STEP | autism | Peer mentoring, study/support groups, social events | $3000/semester | Single room option | |
Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti | MI | College Supports Program | autism | Study halls, in-class academic support, living skills support | $5500/semester, more for life/social skills assistance | | |
Eastern University | Saint Davids | PA | College Success Program | autism | Skills & support groups, study sessions, community outings, pre-orientation, mentoring | $4000/semester | Need documented diagnosis | |
Edinboro U. of Pennsylvania | Edinboro | PA | BASIS | autism | Social/academic peer advising, social events, transition coaching | $2500/semester | | |
Emory University | Atlanta | GA | Emory Oaks | autism | Academic coaching, peer mentors, social opportunities, living skills instruction, mental health assessment, residence life collaboration, vocational skills | No fee | Student organization: | |
Fairleigh Dickinson U. – Florham | Madison | NJ | COMPASS | autism | Academic support, peer mentoring, individual/group counseling | $7072/semester | Need documented diagnosis within past 2 years. FDU also has a free comprehensive support program for students with other diagnoses, Regional Center for Learning Disabilities – | |
Fayetteville State University | Fayetteville | NC | Bronco STAR | Learning differences | Academic workshops | No fee | No documented diagnosis required | |
Furman University | Greenville | SC | FIND | autism | Early move-in, social events, workshops, 1:1 meetings with accessibility staff | No fee | | |
Gateway Community College | New Haven | CT | High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder Program | autism | Counseling, referrals, seminars | $31,000 | There's also a Step Forward program for students with intellectual disabilities. | |
George Mason University | Fairfax | VA | MASI | autism | Peer mentoring, skill-building classes, social events | $6800/year | Scholarships may be available | |
Golden West College | Huntington Beach | CA | College Autism Program (CAP) | autism | Academic/career coaching, peer mentoring, weekly group meetings, social events, Autism Ally Week | No fee | | |
Grand Valley State U. | Allendale | MI | Campus Links | autism | Peer mentoring, group meetings, learning specialist for study skills, residence life support | No fee | Additional support program: Oliver Wilson Scholars, | |
Harper College | Palatine | IL | Project TAP | autism (see Notes for other programs) | Peer mentoring, workshops, clubs | No fee | Other programs include Academic Coaches Empowering Students (ACES) for LD/ADHD and College Awareness Program for high school students with disabilities – | |
High Point University | High Point | NC | Learning Excellence | all students | Academic and life skills coaching, weekly parent reports, professional tutoring, academic success course | $8,400-13,000/semester (less for juniors/seniors) | | |
Hiram College | Hiram | OH | Thrive Learning Center | Unlimited 1:1 professional tutoring, weekly executive functioning advising, self-advocacy coaching, assistive technology coaching, academic co-advising, priority course registration, college success seminars, social and volunteer experiences, liaison with campus support services (residence life, counseling center, student engagement), career prep | $2,800/semester | | ||
Hofstra University | Hempstead | NY | PALS | ADHD or specific learning disability | 1:1 meetings to help with study, social and life skills | $8,000 in year one, then $5,500/year | Academic coaching also available – $2,750/semester for 60 minutes/week – | |
Humber College | Toronto | Ontario (Canada) | ASD Social Group | autism | Weekly social group | No fee | | |
Indiana University | Bloomington | IN | SOS | autism | Weekly club | No fee | IU also has a Neurodiversity Coalition: | |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | Indiana | PA | Labyrinth | autism | Study sessions, coaching/mentoring, course in life skills | $2500/semester | Dept. of vocational rehab typically pays fee for in-state students | |
Iona College | New Rochelle | NY | CAP | autism/ADHD/LD/TBI | Tutoring/coaching with learning specialist; neurodiversity club | | ||
Johnson & Wales University | Providence | RI | LEAP | ADHD, Executive function challenges | 10-day summer program, biweekly meetings with learning specialist | $8,480 | | |
Johnson County Community College | Overland Park | KS | TIPS | autism (club), students on 504/IEP (TIPS) | TIPS transition program for HS special needs students and Autism Spectrum Support Club | Standard 3-credit course fee | | |
Kent State University | Kent | OH | Autism Connections | autism | Social support group | No fee | | |
King's College | Wilkes-Barre | PA | FASP | LD, ADHD, autism | Academic coaching (3x/week in first year) | $1581/year for freshmen, $588 for sophomores |,diagnosis%20matriculating%20at%20King%27s%20College. | |
Kirkwood Community College | Cedar Rapids | IA | ASK | autism | Coaching for academic/social/life/career skills | No fee | | |
Kutztown University | Kutztown | PA | My Place | autism | Coaching, study hall, group meals/activities | $250-$1200/semester for 1-6 contact hours/week | Single room accommodation may be available; Neurodiverse Community housing group – | |
LaGuardia Community College | Long Island City | NY | Neurodiversity Program | autism, social anxiety | Staff help students with social interactions, self-esteem, executive function, self-advocacy | Free ACCES-VR Pre-Employment Transition Services program also available to students with disabilities under age 22 – | | |
Lamar University | Beaumont | TX | ASD College Connect | autism | Support group | No fee | | |
Landmark College | Putney | VT | Support Services for Students with ASD | autism, ADHD, LD | Social pragmatics course, social groups, academic coaching/advising, PEERS curriculum, early orientation | No separate fee | | |
Lehigh Carbon Community College | Schnecksville | PA | SEED AAchieve | autism | Mentors, social groups, academic coaching, internship assistance | $3,000/semester | | |
LeTourneau University | Longview | TX | Bridges | autism | Individual coaching, skills groups, pre-orientation, outings, peer mentors, study hall | $4,000/semester | Must be diagnosed by professional | |
Loras College | Dubuque | IA | ARCH | autism | Coaching, mentoring, career prep | $2822/semester | | |
Louisburg College | Louisburg | NC | Learning Partners | Learning differences | Academic coaching (2x/week) | $4,000/semester | | |
Lynn University | Boca Raton | FL | Institute for Achievement and Learning | Learning differences | Academic coaching/tutoring | $11,750/first year, then $4,225/semester | | |
Manhattanville University | Purchase | NY | PAC | autism | Peer mentoring, social events, invidual and group meetings | $3000/semester | Valiant Learning Support Program (weekly academic coaching) also available: | |
Marian University | Indianapolis | IN | Spectrum of Knights | autism | Early move-in/orientation; coaching for academic, social and career success | $6,000/semester | See also Spectrum of Chargers Autism Program: | |
Marist College | Poughkeepsie | NY | Learning Support Program | ADHD, LD | 1:1 work with learning specialist on time management and study skills, mentoring, workshops, pre-orientation | $2500/semester | Need neuropsych eval within 3 years; students apply to LSP concurrent with applying to college | |
Marquette University | Milwaukee | WI | On Your Marq | autism, ADHD and all other forms of neurodivergence | Executive Functioning coaching including organization skills, study skills, academic planning, and independent living skills. Weekly mental health counseling, peer mentoring, social opportunities, and career development support. | $4,000/semester | | |
Marshall University | Huntington | WV | College Program for Students with ASD | autism, others (see note) | Academic, social, and independent living skills support | $4500/semester | Separate program for ADHD, specific LD – | |
Marymount Manhattan College | New York | NY | Academic Access Program | ADHD, dyslexia, LD | Priority registration, monthly parent meetings, 2 hrs/week with learning specialist, academic coaching | $6,000/year |,designed%20to%20foster%20academic%20success. | |
McDaniel College | Westminster | MD | Academic Skills Program | Learning differences | 1:1 academic coaching, social events/mentoring | $2,900/semester | Mentoring-only $670/semester; summer 5-day bridge program at | |
Mercyhurst College | Erie | PA | AIM | autism | Supports for academic, social, and vocational skills | $6,900/year | | |
Merrimack College | North Andover | MA | The Activate Program | autism | 1:1 coaching, social group, opportunity to return as paid mentor | No fee | Other academic support programs available (Compass, Promise, Drive) | |
Metropolitan State University of Denver | Denver | CO | ISSAC | autism | Group sessions, peer support, help with executive function and social skills | No fee | | |
Michigan State University | East Lansing | MI | BOND | autism | Early move-in, freshman seminar, individual meetings, social outings, peer mentors | No fee | | |
Missouri State University-West Plains | West Plains | MO | ASCEND | autism | Coaching and mentoring | $3,000/semester | | |
Misericordia University | Dallas | PA | ALP | Any disability | 1-week pre-orientation BRIDGE program, Learning Strategies course, time management support and more | $2,200/semester | | |
Mississippi State University | Mississippi State | MS | Autism Liaison Program | autism | Social events, weekly meetings for self-advocacy | No fee | | |
Mitchell College | New London | CT | SAILS Program | Learning differences | 4-5 hours/week of services including social events, check-ins, mentoring, group meals and workshops | $8,350/year | Mitchell also offers LD support via the Bentsen Learning Center and has a college transition program, Thames at Mitchell College: | |
Molloy University | Rockville Centre | NY | Connect | neurodivergent students | Academic coaching, peer mentoring, sensory room, social events, study hours, summer program | $1,950/semester | | |
Mt. Saint Joseph University | Cincinnati | OH | Project EXCEL | Diagnosed learning differences | Professional tutoring, academic coaching and advising | $3,000/semester | | |
Mt. San Antonio College | Walnut | CA | Puzzle Project | autism | Workshops on social skills, academics and stress; peer mentors | No fee | | |
Muskingum University | New Concord | OH | PLUS | Learning differences | Academic/learning coaching by professionals; up to 5 hrs./wk. of services | $2900-8780/year depending on level of support | | |
Nassau Community College | Garden City | NY | ASPIRES | autism | Peer mentoring, individual & group counseling for academic, social and executive function skills | No fee | NCC also has the Achilles Program for 2e (twice exceptional) students – | |
National College of Ireland | Dublin | Ireland | Autism-Friendly Initiative | National College of Ireland ( | autism | University-wide initiative to be autism-friendly | No fee | | |
New York University | New York | NY | Connections | autism | Weekly individual coaching on any issue, biweekly discussion groups | No fee | No application but must have documented autism diagnosis | |
Nicholls State University | Thibodaux | LA | Bridge to Independence | autism | Academic coaching, peer mentoring, social skills seminars | $2055/semester | Degree program for autistic students and certificate program for students with ID | |
North Carolina State University | Raleigh | NC | Students Moving Forward | autism | Career readiness group sessions, internship help | No fee | No proof of diagnosis required. Other resources include OnePack Empowered – and the Autistic and Neurodivergent Student Alliance – | |
Northeastern University | Boston | MA | LDP | LD/ADHD/autism | Twice-weekly individual meetings with professional learning specialist | $2900/semester | | |
Northern Virginia Community College | Alexandria | VA | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | Evidence-based; peer mentors are carefully supervised and trained. | |
Northern Virginia Community College | Annandale | VA | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | Evidence-based; peer mentors are carefully supervised and trained. | |
Northern Virginia Community College | Loudoun | VA | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | Evidence-based; peer mentors are carefully supervised and trained. | |
Northwestern Michigan College | Traverse City | MI | Neurodiversity Support Center | Learning differences | Social events, workshops and weekly mentoring for academic, social or independent living skills | Students should also register with MI Rehabilitation Services for funding. | | |
Norwalk Community College | Norwalk | CT | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | Evidence-based; peer mentors are carefully supervised and trained. | |
Nova Southeastern University | Fort Lauderdale | FL | Access Plus | autism | Support for studying, socializing, and daily living skills | $9,090/semester | Academic Success Coaching available as well: | |
Ohio Wesleyan University | Delaware | OH | Bishop ACCESS | autism, LD, ADHD | Weekly individual academic coaching, workshops, study hall, peer tutoring, communication with parents | $2700/semester | | |
Ohio State University | Columbus | OH | Ace! | autism | Study sessions, peer support groups, individual social support | $7000/year | No documentation required; participants self-identify. There is an Autistic Students Union as well: Academic coaching also available: | |
Ohio University | Athens | OH | ASPeCT | autism | Peer mentoring | No fee | | |
Ontario Tech University | Oshawa | Ontario (Canada) | ASD Living Learning Community | autism | Individual and group coaching on social, emotional and independent living skills | No fee | | |
Pace University | New York | NY | OASIS | autism and similar profiles | Help with academics, career, residential life, socializing, and emotional support. | $7000/semester | Internships junior and senior year; 2nd location in Westchester | |
PennWest University | Edinboro | PA | BASIS | autism | Social/academic peer advising, social events, transition coaching | $2500/semester | | |
Ramapo College of New Jersey | Mahwah | NJ | ENHANCE | autism | Peer mentors, support groups, social events, individual counseling, academic workshops, parent consultations | $7,000/year | Need neuropsych testing within 3 years. Fee may be covered in part by voc rehab. | |
Rochester Institute of Technology | Rochester | NY | Spectrum Support Program | autism | Academic coaching, social events, pre-orientation | $2200-4000/year | Vocational rehab agency may help cover fee; other services such as academic coaching available through the Academic Success Center – | |
Rowan University | Glassboro | NJ | Autism PATH | autism | Job shadowing, professional mentoring, peer engagement, parent workshops | No fee | | |
Rutgers University | New Brunswick | NJ | College Support Program | autism, ADHD | Peer mentors, social events, parent workshops, help with life skills and pre-employment | $3500/semester | | |
Saint Joseph's University | Philadelphia | PA | ASPIRE | autism | Peer mentors, life skills, study hall, social events, work opportunities, residential support. See Notes. | $8000/year | Need documented diagnosis; fee is $5000 in years 3 and 4. Services available remotely to students at ANY university. Two-day summer College Bound Retreat for high school students. | |
Saint Leo University | St. Leo | FL | Autism Connects | autism | Peer mentoring, social opportunities and career guidance | No fee | | |
Saint Mary's College | Moraga | CA | CONNECT | autism | Peer mentoring, academic coaching, career support | No fee | Optional pre-orientation program | |
Saint Norbert College | De Pere | WI | ASD Support Program | autism | Peer mentoring, weekly counseling, social events | No fee | Need documented diagnosis | |
Saint Thomas Aquinas College | Sparkill | NY | Pathways | Any disability | Twice-weekly meetings with learning specialist, workshops and summer bridge program | | ||
San Jacinto College | Pasadena | TX | autism | Individual and group support for executive functioning, self-advocacy, social interaction, academic planning, careers | No fee | More information available from | ||
San Jose State University | San Jose | CA | Autism Support Group | Social events, meetings with autism counselor, academic/life skills group sessions, monthly wellness support meetings | No fee |,for%20SJSU%20students%20with%20Autism. | ||
Santa Fe College | Gainesville | FL | Spectrum of Success | autism | Peer mentoring | No fee | | |
Schreiner University | Kerrville | TX | Learning Support Services | Learning difference | Freshman seminar, academic coaching (1 hr/wk), tutoring, peer notes, audio textbooks | $3,780/yr for first year | | |
Seattle Central College | Seattle | WA | SAILS | autism, learning differences | Tutoring, study skills, time management, pre-employment skills, College 101 course | $2180/quarter | Vocational rehab agency may help cover fee | |
Seminole State College | Sanford | FL | Full Spectrum Support | autism | Individual and group help for self-advocacy and life skills | No fee | | |
Shepherd University | Shepherdstown | WV | CPSASD | autism | Personalized focus on social, academic and personal goals | $4,500/semester; optional groups and summer program | Psychological testing within 3 years required | |
Simon Fraser University | Burnaby | BC (Canada) | AMI | autism | Peer mentoring | No fee | There is also an Autistics United club and a Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance | |
Slippery Rock University | Slippery Rock | PA | ATLAS | autism | Individual coaching, peer mentoring, social and fitness opportunities | No fee | | |
South Plains College | Levelland | TX | CASE | autism or other DD | Help with time management, career, social, and life skills | | ||
Southern Illinois University | Carbondale | IL | Achieve Program SIU | Learning difference | Case management, tutoring, academic coaching, care coordination | $1,000-3,200/semester depending on service level | IEP, 504 plan or neuropsychological evaluation accepted as documentation | |
Southern Methodist University | Dallas | TX | DASS | Learning differences | Weekly academic coaching, academic strategies course, student support group (Students for New Learning) | No fee | | |
Southern Oregon University | Ashland | OR | UCAM | autism, ADHD, other learning differences | Weekly individual coaching, writing coach, social events, orientation, pre-registration | $1495-2990/semester | | |
Southern Vermont College | Bennington | VT | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | Evidence-based; peer mentors are carefully supervised and trained. | |
Stanford University | Palo Alto | CA | Stanford Neurodiverse Student Support Program | autism and other neurodiverse profiles | Weekly peer mentoring and support course; help with independent living, academics, social skills, career development, and mental health | No fee |–im-.html | |
Stark State College | North Canton | OH | BASE | autism | Weekly meetings for academic support and referrals | No fee | | |
SUNY – Binghamton | Binghamton | NY | Neurodiversity Club | neurodivergent students | Social support and events | No fee | | |
SUNY – Cobleskill | Cobleskill | NY | CareerNext | autism or other learning differences | Professional guidance for academic and residential concerns | $4,500/semester | On-campus housing | |
SUNY – Empire State College | Saratoga Springs | NY | Center for Autism Inclusivity | autism | Staff/faculty education, support for online education | No fee | Designated an autism-supportive college | |
SUNY – New Paltz | New Paltz | NY | Compass | autism | Weekly individual coaching, peer mentoring, social skills group, academic & social workshops | No fee | | |
SUNY – Purchase | Purchase | NY | Cornerstone Program | autism | Staff coaching, peer mentoring, pre-orientation, social events, social skills groups, pre-employment training | $1225-2450/semester for 1 or 2 weekly coaching hours | | |
SUNY – Schenectady | Schenectady | NY | CareerNext | autism or other learning differences | Professional guidance for academic and residential concerns | Fee varies depending on housing options | Housing is across the street from campus; 2-year institution | |
SUNY – Westchester | Valhalla | NY | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | Evidence-based; peer mentors are carefully supervised and trained. | |
Swansea University | Swansea | UK | ASC | autism | New student orientation, social group, individual support | No fee | | |
Syracuse University | Syracuse | NY | OnTrack at SU – Center for Disability Resources – Syracuse University | ADHD, LD, autism | Twice-weekly coaching for time management, organization, self-awareness, independence | $2,800/semester | Autism-specific programming is in the works, including academic and social support, as well as education of other students and staff. Free tutoring at Center for Learning and Student Success. | |
Tarrant County College | Arlington | TX | ASD Program | autism | Course on academic/social/living skills | $550/course | | |
Technological University of the Shannon | Athlone | Ireland | ADHD-Friendly University | ADHD, autism | Staff/student education, autism toolkit, quiet spaces on campus | No fee | TUS is designated an ADHD-friendly university and also provides a toolkit for autistic students | |
Texas Tech University | Lubbock | TX | CASE | autism or other DD | Help with time management, career, social, and life skills | $6,540/semester and $1,635/summer | | |
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) | Ewing | NJ | Lion Plus | students with documented disabilities | Meetings with learning specialist, executive functioning workshops, social events, peer mentoring, personal and career support | $5,000/year | | |
Thomas More University | Crestview Hills | KY | Institute for Learning Differences | learning differences including ADHD and autism | Learning specialist, weekly academic coaching, professional tutoring, early alert system, advising, access to assistive technology, and monthly social events | $3,750/semester | | |
Towson University | Towson | MD | CAPS | autism | Weekly group sessions, peer mentoring | $1,050/semester | | |
Trinity International University | Deerfield | IL | Access | autism | Individual mentoring for academic/social/life skills, support group, study hall, social events | $2000/semester | Must have documentation of diagnosis | |
Tufts University | Medford | MA | Neurodivergent House | neurodivergent | Special interest housing for any student identifying as neurodivergent | Academic coaching also available at | | |
University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa | AL | UA-ACTS | autism | Help with academics, social and daily living skills | $3600/semester | | |
University of Arizona | Tucson | AZ | SALT | LD/ADHD/autism | Tutoring, learning specialists, workshops | $3500/semester ($1700 for upper division students) | | |
University of Arkansas | Fayetteville | AR | Autism Support Program | autism and similar profiles | Help with academics, social and daily living skills | $5000/semester | | |
University of Calgary | Calgary | Alberta (Canada) | Neurodiversity Support Advising | autism | Counseling/advising | No fee | Free 2-day orientation, Neurodiversity Immersive Campus Experience – | |
University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley | CA | Spectrum Connect | autism | Academic coaching, career workshops, social events, study groups | No fee | | |
University of California, Davis | Davis | CA | Aggie Neurodiversity Community | autism, neurodivergent | Peer support, discussion, staff training | No fee | | |
University of California, Los Angeles | Los Angeles | CA | All Brains | autism, ADHD and other learning differences | Peer mentoring, social events, workshops, inclusive space | No fee | UCLA also has a second club, the Bruin Neurodiversity Collective. | |
University of Central Arkansas | Conway | AR | Autism Advocacy Program | autism | Academic & social support, course on learning strategies | No fee | Early registration for returning students; "low sensory" student lounge, ASCEND living-learning community – | |
University of Connecticut | Storrs | CT | Beyond Access | All students | Help with academics and personal life (1-3 hrs/wk); social events and social skills group | $1800-$3600/semester | Scholarships available. 1-week early orientation program ($500). Separate peer mentoring programs: UConn Connects and REACHing Peers | |
University of Dayton | Dayton | OH | ACES | autistic or otherwise neurodivergent students | Weekly meeting with staff for academic coaching and self-advocacy; monthly social and educational programs | No fee | | |
University of Delaware | Newark | DE | Spectrum Scholars | autism – majoring in CIS/ECE | Coaching in communication/living skills/organization/career | No fee | | |
University of Denver | Denver | CO | LEP | autism/ADHD/LD | Tutoring, peer mentoring, help with organizational and social skills, disability honor society | $1350/quarter | | |
University of Florida | Gainesville | FL | SOCIAL Gators | autism | Peer mentoring, academic coaching, group meetings | No fee | | |
University of Houston – Clear Lake | Houston | TX | Connecting to College | autism | Individual skill-building meetings, support group, crisis intervention, campus-wide trainings | No fee | | |
University of Idaho | Moscow | ID | Raven Scholars | autism | Peer mentoring, social skills classes, social events | No fee | | |
University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | Academy for Twice-Exceptionality | Neurodivergent with very high academic potential | Group workshops/events/housing, Honors Program membership, weekly individual coaching, help with self-advocacy | No fee | | |
University of Illinois | Champaign | IL | Supports for Students with Autism | autism | Academic coaching, activity group, therapy, career supports | No fee | Academic coaching also available: Additional program: Illinois Neurodiversity Initiative – | |
University of Indianapolis | Indianapolis | IN | BUILD | Learning differences | Tutoring, study skills course, social skills group, assistive technology | $3500/semester | | |
University of Louisville | Louisville | KY | Cardinal Success Coach Program | documented disability | Peer academic coaching 1-3x/week | $350-$1050/semester depending on frequency; may be covered by voc rehab | Clients of KY OVR may receive funding for this program | |
University of Maryland | College Park | MD | SIGNA | autism or similar challenges | Communication coaching, peer coaching and mentoring, social events, career assistance | $3500/year | | |
University of Massachusetts – Lowell | Lowell | MA | The Network | autism | Support group; peer mentoring for current students (as well as for HS students) is also available | No fee | | |
University of Miami | Miami | FL | Independent Learning Initiative | All students | Weekly meetings with learning specialist | Cost of one credit ($2310/semester) | | |
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor | Ann Arbor | MI | Students on the Autism Spectrum | autism | Support group | No fee | Other available services include academic coaching, peer assisted study sessions and academic skills workshops – learn more at See for disability scholarships. | |
University of Montana | Missoula | MT | MOSSAIC | autism and similar profiles | Peer mentoring, social events, help with academic/social/career readiness skills | Varies with service level | Services may be covered by health insurance | |
University of Nevada, Reno | Reno | NV | Neurodiversity Alliance | Faculty, staff & students | Promotion of universal design, support, referrals | No fee | | |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill | NC | ADHD and LD Support | Academic coaching, workshops and social events | No fee | | ||
University of North Florida | Jacksonville | FL | THRIVE | autism | Help with social, career, and independent living skills | No fee | Living-learning program for autistic students available as well: | |
University of North Texas | Denton | TX | Neurodiversity Initiative | autism, ADHD, other learning differences | Academic/career coaching, social support group, peer-support group, living-learning community | ENGAGE program (coaching) students must be Texas vocational rehab clients; other program components have no fee | Support group for autistic faculty: | |
University of Oklahoma | Norman | OK | Impact360 | autism | Academic coaching, transition support, social events, assistance with employment and independent living, priority registration, semi-private move-in | $1,750/semester | Formal diagnosis required | |
University of the Ozarks | Clarksville | AR | Jones Learning Center | autism, ADHD, other learning differences | Academic/autism support, living learning community | $12,000/year for unlimited daily support, $8,000 for less frequent support | | |
University of Rhode Island | Kingston | RI | START URI | autism | Peer mentors, social activities, internships, 3-day summer program, study hours, group/individual meetings | No fee |,social%20experiences%20for%20Autistic%20students | |
University of St. Thomas | Houston | TX | Associate of Applied Science in Pragmatic Studies | UST Houston | learning differences | Program employs universal design for learning (UDL), includes academic strategies course | $393/credit hour | Students will be eligible to pursue bachelor's in Social Innovation and Human Service | |
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma | Chickasha | OK | Neill-Wint Center for Neurodiversity | autism | Peer mentors, social skills training using PEERS© for Young Adults | $1000/semester | First-year students in the program take a maximum of 12 credit hours; designed for spectrum students pursuing a bachelor's degree | |
University of Tennessee | Chattanooga | TN | Mosaic | autism | Coaching, mentoring, study hours and 4-year comprehensive course | $3500/semester | | |
University of Tennessee | Knoxville | TN | PASS | autism | Academic/life skills course, weekly individual support meeting, peer mentoring | $3200/semester | Requires documentation of diagnosis within past 3 years | |
University of Texas Austin | Austin | TX | Longhorn TIES | autism or otherwise neurodivergent | Weekly, biweekly or monthly 1:1 coaching, seminars, training, referrals | $1,500-5,000/semester depending on coaching frequency; can be covered by TX Workforce Commission | No official diagnosis required | |
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley | Edinburg | TX | Student Accessibility Mentors | autism, ADHD, LD and similar profiles | Academic coaching, peer mentoring | No fee | ||
University of Toronto | Toronto | Ontario (Canada) | Social Association for Students with ASD | autism | Social events (games and outings) | No fee | | |
University of Tulsa | Tulsa | OK | Pathfinders | autism | Academic counseling/coaching, group support, social activities, peer mentoring | No fee | Open to any students | |
University of Washington – Seattle | Seattle | WA | Academic Success Coaching | All students | Academic coaching; UW also has peer wellness coaching, AccessSTEM mentoring and a disability cultural center (D Center) | No fee | | |
University of Washington – Tacoma | Tacoma | WA | Square Pegs on Campus | autism | Social group | No fee | D Center (disability cultural center) –; AccessSTEM –; Huskies for Neurodiversity student-led initiative | |
University of West Florida | Pensacola | FL | Argos for Autism | autism | Peer mentoring, social events, academic coaching | No fee | Inexpensive early arrival/pre-orientation option available | |
University of Wisconsin – Madison | Madison | WI | Study and Learning Skills Program | Any disability | Study skills coaching | No fee | | |
University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh | Oshkosh | WI | Project Success | Dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities | Remedial courses, content tutoring, study skills coaching, 6-week summer program | No fee | | |
Ursuline College | Pepper Pike | OH | FOCUS | Any disability | Priority registration, academic & social support between biweekly and three times/week | $400-2,000/semester depending on service level | | |
Utah Valley University | Orem | UT | Passages | autism | Classes and workshops for life/social/leadership skills; peer mentoring | $300/semester | Educational coaching available for $600/semester – | |
Vanderbilt University | Nashville | TN | VANA | autism | Biweekly social group | No fee | Frist Center also supports neurodiverse employment | |
Vermont State University | Randolph | VT | College Steps | autism and similar profiles; HS and college students | Help with academics, pre-employment, social skills, and independent living. | $11,500/year for 5 hours/week to $20,400/year for 20 hours/week. Costs may be covered by school districts (for HS students), state dept. of developmental disabilities or vocational rehabilitation, or other sources | Evidence-based; peer mentors are carefully supervised and trained. VSU campus locations include Castleton, Johnson, Lyndon, Randolph & Williston. Students may also be eligible for free TRIO services: | |
Villa Maria College | Buffalo | NY | Achieve | Learning differences (including autism) | Professional tutoring, time management help, assistive technology training, career readiness, workshops, social events | $2,000/semester | Priority registration available; parent communication optional. No on-campus housing. | |
West Chester University | West Chester | PA | D-CAP | autism | Study sessions, social events, group sessions for self-care/social/organizational/career skills | No fee | 3-day college readiness summer program for HS students available. Academic coaching available to all students: | |
Western Kentucky University | Bowling Green | KY | KAP | autism | Single dorm rooms, study halls, mentoring, counseling, social events, advising | $5000/semester | | |
Western Michigan University | Kalamazoo | MI | Autism Services Center | autism | Help with academic, social, life, and career goals; social events | $2,000 | Summer transition program available | |
Westfield State University | Westfield | MA | Learning Disabilities Program | LD or ADHD | Academic coaching, early registration, peer tutoring | No fee | | |
Westminster College | Fulton | MO | College Transition Program | autism (separate LD program) | Individual academic support, academic success courses, social skills programs | $1,500-2,000/semester | | |
West Virginia University | Morgantown | WV | Autism Support Program | autism | ASP 101 course, peer mentor, peer group meetings, social events, assignment tracker, weekly check-ins, workshops | $5000/semester | Funding may be available via state dept. of vocational rehabilitation | |
West Virginia Wesleyan College | Buckhannon | WV | The Learning Center | Any disability | Foundational Program (free) & Mentoring Advantage Program: priority registration, coaching mentoring, tutoring | No fee for Foundational Program; mentoring fee is $800/semester per weekly hour of tutoring | | |
Willamette University | Salem | OR | CAN | autism, ADHD | Peer mentoring, group meetings for social/executive functioning skills, faculty training | No documentation required | | |
Wright State University | Dayton | OH | RASE | autism | Peer coaching and support group | $750/year 1st year, then $300/year | | |
Xavier University | Cincinnati | OH | X-Path | autism and similar profiles | Peer coaching 6-10 hrs./wk., study tables 2.5 hrs. plus 1 hr. with staff | $1500/semester | | |
York College of Pennsylvania | York | PA | Autism Peer Mentoring Program | autism | Weekly peer mentoring | No fee | | |
York University | Toronto | Ontario (Canada) | Strengthening Transitions | autism | Weekly academic coaching, early move-in, workshops, ASD Support Group, Asperger Mentorship Program | No fee | Brochure: ; free 2-week summer bridge program for students with disabilities – | |