3 Steps to Acing the “Why us?” Essay If you’ve started working on supplementary college essays, you may have seen prompts asking you to explain why you’re choosing to apply to that school. For example, Tufts University asks, “Which aspects of the Tufts undergraduate...
Want to learn more about colleges? It’s easy! Attend an upcoming virtual college fair from the comfort of your own home. Sign up at https://virtualcollegefairs.org/events.
Do you have questions about disability accommodations and services in college? If you missed this dynamic Q&A event with staff from three college disability centers, you can see the recording here.
Autistic young women are gaining greater visibility–and with rising rates of diagnosis, independent educational consultants (IECs) are likely to encounter more students on the spectrum in their caseloads. However, much of what people know–or think they...
with Sharon Saline, Psy.D. Nia had been so excited to go to college. She’d been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD in eighth grade and received accommodations such as extra time on tests, preferential classroom seating and getting copies of teachers’ notes. An executive...